XC Slogans
... from XC T-Shirts everywhere...
If you can read this, thank your cross country coach
Cross Country was invented so water would taste good
If I’m going to run cross country, I’m going to start with a small country.
Our sport is your sport’s punishment
There is no bench in cross country
Champions train, endure pain, and never complain
Champions Train, Losers Complain
Champions are made in practice
Champions are made when no one is watching
Cross Country is one hill of a sport
Cross Country — All it takes is All you’ve got
Cross Country — Everything else is just a game.
Cross Country — It’s not how fast you run, but how long you run fast.
Cross Country: Finally a real use of golf courses.
Cross Country: We are training to run, not running to train.
No time outs, no half times, no substitutions. Cross Country, the only true sport
Cross country is about where you’re going and who you left behind.
May the course be with you.
If it was easy, everyone would do it
Will run for food
Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads.
(front) There are two roads in life.
(back) Run both.
(front) Obsession
(back) A word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.
(front) Seen by spectators
(back) Seen by the competition
Pass them, don’t pace them
Dude, Run!
We’ve got a bad case of the runs.
Love hills and they will love you back.
Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads.
Live to run, run to live.
The road to hell is paved. Run Cross Country!
In a world of give and take, give what it takes.
No refs, out-of-bounds- fouls, or benchwarmers. Cross Country— It’s not a game.
We’ve got more legs than a bucket of chicken.
Slow down? Yeah right!
To run fast, you must run fast.
Don’t worry about the map…we’ll show you the way!
Running begins not with the feet but with the mind.
The faster you run, the quicker you get done.
If you can read this, we’re just warming up
The faster you run, the quicker you get done
Why are all these people following me?
Trample the Weak! Hurdle the Dead!
Kick grass!
Eat. Run. Sleep. Repeat.
There Is No Glory in Practice, but Without Practice There Is No Glory
My Sport Is Your Sport’s Punishment
Don’t worry about the map. We’ll show you the way!
Somewhere in The World Someone’s Training When You Are Not. When You Race Him, He Will Win.
Go Hard or Go Home!
Run Like You Stole Something
Teamwork Makes The Dream Work
Intensity is not a perfume!
There’s no traffic on the extra mile
Our blood, our sweat, your tears.
All Out, All Game, All Season
A team above all. Above all a team.
Hustle, hit and never quit
Hustle and heart set us apart
Respect All, Fear None
If its gotta be, it starts with me
Refuse to Lose
All it takes is all you’ve got
It’s what you do before the season start that makes a champion.
Championships are won at practice
Play like a Champion Today
Never let good enough BE enough!
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard
Winning is a habit, Success is a choice
Whatever it takes
Practice winning every day
Practice, practice, practice
There is no limit to what can be accomplished when nobody cares who gets
the credit.
We don’t yield to pedestrians
You ask me why I run? The same reason I breathe.
It hurts a lot less when you win.
Pass them, don’t pace them
Some call it obsessive compulsive. We call it Cross Country.
No time limit…no speed limit…no dream limit.
Finish lines are just another reminder to stop.
If you’re not the lead dog, the view remains the same.
The wishbone will never replace the backbone.
(front) Slow and steady wins…
To show good sportsmanship, please refrain from making little racecar noises as you pass your fellow opponents.
Run for your life!
It’s rude to count people you pass…out loud.
It’s not how good I am, it’s how good I can be.
Back: Do you like my shirt? After the race, I’ll let you read the front.
When I race, my mind is full of doubts…”Who will come in second? Who will come in third?”
All it takes is all you’ve got.
Everybody finishes…some just sooner than others.
It’s a trail if I say it is…
You know you ran the best you possibly could when you barf and then pass out.
Run far, run fast, and run hard!
Make a run for it.
(front) There are two roads in life. (back) Run both.
Go hard or go home!
Slower traffic keep right.
Our endurance comes from training, but the good looks are natural.
Heat, hills, fast pace…Deal with it!
Where were you at five a.m.?
Some have hopes and dreams. We’ve got ways and means!
Race with the best or run with the rest.
No one ever drowned in sweat.
Good. Better. Best.
Never let it rest, until your good is better and your better is best.
Some want it to happen,
Some wish it would happen,
Others make it happen.”
dedication + motivation = success
Deeds not Words
Demand respect or expect defeat
Sweat plus Sacrifice equals Success
Unity in Adversity
Bringing out the best in each other!
Ya Gotta Believe
We Are Family
Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now
Practice doesn’t make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect
You can’t be as good as, you have to be better than
Look up, get up, but never give up
Believe & Achieve
Running is the feeling of someone pushing you from behind…and realizing it’s you.
The gun goes off. I am the bullet.
I will do today what you won’t, so tomorrow I can do what you can’t.